We'd played enough Rock Band on the Wii since Christmas that I decided it was time for 'Real Band.' We have all the same instruments and more--and REAL.
So we hauled our band stuff up from the basement, in from the bedrooms, and out from the closets and set up the concoction that we like to call......okay, we don't have a name. At this point we don't deserve a name. In our band, learning a song goes like this: Bob goes around to each person and tells them, "Do this." Once he's told us all what to do, we try to do it. We know like five songs already! Now, to be honest, we're about as legit on these instruments as we are on the Wii instruments, but this is so much more fun!
Now, we have learned a little something through our band experimentation. The thing we learned is that NONE OF US CAN SING!
I know, you're all, "Kimi, you can totally sing! You have an awesome voice! You're are an amazing singer," etc. Well, first of all, you know you're just saying that to be polite. And second of all, the dealio is this: I can carry a tune. I can pick out a harmony. I can read the music. I can play the music. But here's the catch: evidently pop singing is nowhere near the same as choir singing.
Huh. Who knew? Isn't it odd that you learn something like that about yourself when you're 41 years old? I know, I thought so too.
I reminded myself of that one guy that auditioned or guest sang or jammed one day or something with a band Bob used to be in that we have made fun of for like 16 years. Many of you have already heard the imitation. But just in case you haven't, but you really wish you had, I'll try to write it here:
Okay, so picture overly serious general disposition, operatic-ish voice, precisely enunciated consonants, and the now infamous (at least to us and a few of our friends)........"Go a-head aaaanduh juuuuh-huuump."
Except with me, it goes a little something like, "Shake itt up baaay-bee nooooowww. Twiiist aaanduh shoooouuuut." I hope you can hear it in your head. If not, though, you can come over and we will play a song for you.
Whether you want us to or not.
haha this is great! when is the first show?
I can hear it...........I love opera rock! It makes me chuckle
I want to guest play with your band sometimes...I could do the tambourine or I could bring over my bongos or even the harmonicas. Just let me know when cause I know you will want me to. That's a given.
Hilarious! I was hoping that was a video - cause you might not be able to rock with your singing, but you totally rock with your video skills.
Erin, you are so right. You can bring whatever instruments you want, but what we really need is your VOICE!
Thanks Suzanne. I actually do have video, and I thought briefly about putting it on here. But it's the kind of awkward that isn't funny. It's just awkward.
Thanks Brookie and Melinda!
I for one want to come and witness a concert. I can't carry a tune or read music or do anything connected with singing.....except that I love to do it.
I love your pop voice. You rock.
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